KIM GORDON / Creative Aging: 55+ Community Watercolor


Adults age 55+ were invited to participate in a hands-on watercolor workshop taught by local artist Kim Gordon. Creative Aging: 55+ Community Watercolor covered basic watercolor painting techniques and explored tools, color, value, and learning to see your subject over a six-week period complete with a culminating exhibition event. All skill levels were welcome, with no prior art experience required. The workshop was designed to be fun, inspirational, and social with a focus on how to relax and enjoy the process of watercolor painting.

The Creative Aging workshop structure was provided by E.A. Michelson Philanthropy in partnership with Utah Arts and Museums as part of the Utah initiative "A Lifetime of Arts Elevated”. Funding for the workshop was provided by a grant from National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA), in collaboration with E.A. Michelson Philanthropy, to support Creative Aging in our state through NASAA's Leveraging State Investments in Creative Aging (LSICA) initiative.

About the Instructor

Kim Gordon is a Utah based artist working in watercolor, drawing, printmaking and bookmaking. She is an active member of the Utah Watercolor Society and has exhibited work in many of their shows and was recently honored with a Merchant Award. She has exhibited work at Snow College Art Gallery, Springville Museum of Art, Spring City Art Gallery and the Sego 3 Gallery. Kim paints regularly with a local plein air society in Sanpete County, teaches watercolor workshops and community classes through Snow College. Born in Arizona and raised in Colorado, Gordon earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Art Education from Utah State University, and an Associate of Arts degree from Snow College. She currently teaches drawing and design at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah where she resides with her family and paints the wilds of the west.