Granary Arts will be closed for the installation of new exhibitions May 4-18, 2024.

We will continue to hold Workshop Wednesday in the CCA Christensen Cabin during this closure. New exhibitions open Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Artist Talks

Gallery walkthroughs, studio tours, video interviews and conversations with our artists, curators, and fellows.


workshop wednesday: MAY

Get creative and make art! Join us Wednesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 pm for our free art workshop designed for kids and families. Projects invite students to explore a variety of fine art mediums, materials, and processes.

5/01 Symmetrical Beetle with Janice
5/08 Rock Painting with Janice
5/15 Pipe Cleaner Critter with Janice
5/22 Moonrise Reflection with Janice
5/29 Stained Glass with Janice

Have fun, be creative, and keep making art! Share your creations with us on social media using the hashtag #granaryartskids


Bird’s Eye Chisel is a collection of original songs written by Ashley Hanson and Brian Laidlaw of the folk band, The Family Trade during a year-long Granary Arts Fellowship in Sanpete Valley. It is a “folk” album in its musical aesthetic – acoustic instruments, simple harmonies, lyrical storytelling – but it’s also a “folk” album in the process of its construction.

During their time in Sanpete, Ashley and Brian met with local community members, scholars, musicians, parents, students, and artists to amass a shared library of images and insights about the area’s beautiful, complex history. In story circles, interviews and songwriting workshops, Ashley and Brian listened to the joys and anxieties of modern-day life in the area, heard celebrations and interrogations of Sanpete’s past, and documented all manner of hopes, dreams and fears for the future of the valley.